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Modify an object

Those are all possible modifications for objects. Normally, only a subset of those modifications are possible for a given object.

Clicking the right mouse button while cursor is on an object will pop up a context menu showing the possible modifications for this object.

Add/Remove points

Points can be added to or removed from Multiline or Polygon objects. To add points, you click the left mouse button to the new positions. Points are added as if you would continue to draw the shape where you left it. Points are deleted by pressing the DEL key. Clicking the right mouse button or pressing ESC ends the operation.


Moving the mouse, you can tilt the figure to any angle in one degree increments. Clicking the left mouse button confirms the new angle, clicking the right button cancels the operation.

Background color

To change the filling color of a shape. The line color is not changed. It is possible to have no background color if you choose the None button on the color dialog box.


This one serve to center an object on a point given on the page.

Change file

Used to change the file containing the image. Choose the new image file in dialog box.


To change the color of the object. For shapes, only the line color will be changed.

Copy/Paste Default Parameter

  • You can set default values using the command Preferences... from the main menu. Those values will then be used for new objects.
  • You can direct an existing object to use a default value for itself by choosing it's context menu command Paste Parameter and then the default value you want the object to paste from.
  • You can also copy a parameter from an object to a default value to be used for new objects. To do so, choose the context menu command Copy Parameter and than the default value to be changed.

Corners size

Use this to change the shape of rounded corners. Values are given for the vertical radius and the horizontal radius of the quarter of an ellipse forming the corners.

Curve shape

Use this to change the shape of a Bezier object. The shape is changed as the mouse is moved. Click the left mouse button to accept the new curve or click the right button to cancel the operation.

Edit text

Use this to edit text of the Text object. It may be necessary to Frame text after edition.

Exchange ends

Use this to reverse the order in which Line, Multiline and Polygon objects remember their points. This will reverse the way Position/Dimensions works for Line objects and Add/Remove points for Poly-Line and Polygon.


Use this to get back all the individuals objects contained in a Symbol. Only the Symbol object on which this command takes place is modified, original symbol in the list is unaffected and can be reused.


Use this to change font used to draw the text of an object.


Use this to change the format displayed by Date and Time objects. Several formats are available for the Date object, and the Time object can show or hide seconds. For a Circle object, this command is used to choose between an Arc, a Chord, a Pie or a full circle. You can also choose between a circle and an ellipse.

Frame text

Use this to define a frame in which text will be reformatted. Only the width of the frame is used, the height will be determined by the number of lines required to write the whole text.


This will give some informations on image parameters.


Used to change the layer of the object. An object may appear on multiple layers.

Line type

Use this to change line type (normal, dotted, etc,) and width of an object.

Number of cycles

By default, the Sinusoid object shows one complete cycle. You can change this using this option.

Number of sides

This change applies to the Regular Polygon object. You can choose from 3 to 20 sides. The shape will change accordingly.


Use this to change the position of an object on the page. Clicking the left mouse button will confirm new position and clicking the right button will cancel the move.

Position in image

Only a part of an image can be shown instead of the whole image. To do so, you must first set the size of the visible window using the Size in image option, then this option to move the window in the image.

Reference point

Use this to change the reference point of a Symbol object. Note: this will affect all symbols of the same type on the page (their position will be changed).


Change the size of an object.

  • For a Line, a Dimension, an Arrow, or a Bezier object, this will move the last point given.
  • For a Text, Time or Date object this will change font size.
  • For a Multiline or a Polygon object, this will move selected points. Points to move must be first enclosed in a selecting box, then dragged using the mouse.

None of the mouse buttons should be pressed during the move. Clicking the left mouse button confirms the new dimension and clicking the right button cancels the operation.

Size in image

Only a part of an image can be shown instead of the whole image. Use this option to set the size of the visible window in the image. Then, use Position in image to move this window in the image.

Sizing mode

Applicable to an image object.

  • Normal size: image is shown using original size (given in pixels). Only the part of the image determined by the Size option will be visible.
  • Variable: image will adapt to the rectangle given with the Size option.
  • Proportional: when sized, the image will keep it's aspect ratio.

Start position

By default, the Sinusoid object starts it's cycle at 0°. This is the first quarter of a cycle. The start position can be changed using this option.

Text color

The text color of the Dimension object can be different than the color of the line. Use this option to change it.

Text Justification

Multiline text can be left aligned (default), right aligned or centered in the bounding rectangle set by Frame text.