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gPage gives you the possibility to create a symbol using a group of objects. You can then make multiple copies of those objects using the name of the symbol.

New symbol

To create a new symbol, choose the menu option Symbols+New Symbol, then:

  1. Select the objects that will compose the symbol. Click (press and release) the left mouse button to set the upper left corner of a rectangle that will surround the objects. Move the mouse to the lower right corner and click the mouse button again. Confirm your choice.
  2. Name the symbol. This is the name that will be used to place a new Symbol object on the page.

Objects included in the new symbol are deleted and replaced by a copy of the newly created symbol.

Renaming a symbol

To change the name of a symbol, choose the menu Symbols+Rename Symbol. Select the name to change in the list and edit it.

Deleting a symbol

To delete a symbol, choose the menu Symbols+Delete symbol. Select the name of the symbol to delete in the list and confirm your choice. You can delete a symbol even if Symbol objects exist on the page. In this case they will be drawn as a rectangle showing the name of the symbol. As soon as you will create a new symbol of this name, those will be redrawn using the new data.

Importing symbols

Symbols are saved in the document where they are created. But if you need to use the symbols created in another document, you can import them. To do this, you choose the menu Symbols+Import Symbols. Choose the document containing the symbols and click Ok. If a symbol of the same name already exist in the current document, you will be asked if you want to replace your symbol with the new one, or rename the new one to keep the two symbols.